Just to vent, I think I am tired of school. No, I am pretty sure of it. Yes, I know that I need to go and finish what I have started about a billion years ago, but come on. Is writing a paper on my personal travel strategy and goals really going to help me succeed in life? Probably not. Actually, if I put half the amount of energy into my paper that I put into griping about it, I would have a darn good paper. But that isn't the point, is it? The point is, some of these silly required classes are just that...SILLY, let alone a waste of my time and money. So props to whoever came up with PRT 3430: A guide to an international life and responsible travel and whoever decided that it should be a gen ed, you have officially taken up too many hours of my life to count. But hey, I have learned one thing: Did you know that you should always lock your door in a hotel? Who knew?
I love Noah's expression :) That class sounds alright upon description.It's funny how the fun can be sucked out of classes by papers :) What is your degree in?
you look gorgeous in the pics! And Noah is adorable! I am so excited that you have a blog- keep it udated okay?! I add new stuff all the time out of boredom.. :) Hope you ended the semester well and have renewed vigor for summer! YOu will be done so soon! (thats what I try to keep telling myself to keep motivated haha)
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